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COVIDiaries #8//Bigger than...

Writer's picture: Ahyonna PittsAhyonna Pitts

We are so much bigger than the things that we allow to affect our moods, our productivity, and our mindsets. We are...

Bigger than anxiety.

Bigger than depression.

Bigger than hardships.

Bigger than trials & tribulations.

Bigger than you imagine.

I have been full of doubt recently. Being a senior is hard. Trying to get an internship is difficult. Trying to juggle school, work, and relationships is challenging. But we weren't just made to survive but to endure.

As I write this, today is March 12th, 2021, as I am writing this we are entering Week 31392402 of this "social distancing" and "quarantine" times thanks to Rona. I'm writing in a place of being ready to receive. Ready to receive everything God wants me to receive. Ready to receive whatever adaption, challenge, change, correction, and whatever is supposed to produce fruit. God knows not only what we want but what we need but want to know something else he knows?


We are constantly overwhelming ourselves with things that we can't control and casting our worries on ourselves when we should be letting go and casting it onto God. In the Bible, Jesus tells us to quit fearing the future and said, "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?...Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:27, 34). We must quit worrying about how anxiety, depression, or the season we're in is "holding us back" but worry about how God is using these times to allow us to grow. He wouldn't put us through something he didn't believe we could handle. I am also guilty of this worrying thing but I have to realize that I am bigger and greater than my thoughts that tend to overwhelm me and make me seem like I am not capable of so much.

We must remind ourselves of the obstacles that we were bigger than and that we survived. Recall those moments where we were strong and get back to those ways if not stronger. It starts with believing in yourself and filling yourself up with the Holy Spirit. These obstacles don't define us but they way we overcame them does. What's something you believe that is holding you back from realizing your potential and that you are bigger than?

Lastly, I want so share a spoken word with you that gets me through the times where I feel like I'm not enough. But I am enough and need to realize that I am bigger than before. So listen to this spoken word titled, "I Can Handle It".

Some things to remember...
-God is bigger than any problems you may face.
-Don't dread any challenge that lies ahead, remember all the victories behind.
-You will overcome. Christ is in you. 
-His strength in you is greater than any pain you feel or enemy you face. 

So until next time...tell me something good in the comments and THANK YOU RONA for this time to reflect, grow, and allowing the worst situations to turn in my favor.

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